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sunken family room

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Over Time!

All my life I've been working them angels overtime! Riding and driving and living so close to the edge... Ooops. This aint my Rush blog. I'm on overtime, folks. The modular home blog is going to be fast and furious and probably not making much sense. The blogs are a bigger beast than I thought- taking a lot of time! Anyway, we will discuss more relevant things about modular homes- just not today. I will try to prompt myself for tomorrow, because as I was driving in to work this morning I started thinking about developing a modular home subdivision. This has been something I've been musing about for quite some time. I need to come up with a good investor that won't try to put their hands too deep into Black Hawk's pocket. Seriously, here's the vision: The Oracle @ Black Hawk... a modular home subdivision. I just made that up, idunno. Something like that, ok? We need a cool name, a good location, and an investor that doesn't have too much money! Needs to be a partnership, hello...

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