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sunken family room

Monday, March 24, 2008

Very nice

Say what you want about our homes. There's a lot of haters out there who feel our factory built homes aren't (and never will be) up to snuff. We won't dwell on all the negativity. As a matter of fact, most of the modular homes I've seen are very nice. Many builders have used technology and the factory setting to their advantage to come up with brilliant elevations that are both attractive and practical. They have raised the bar in our industry, and I think they should be commended! Unlike manufactured homes, modular homes usually come in more than 2 or 3 pieces. Some of the more complex homes can come in 10 or more modules! Ever heard of Bob Villa? He did a show featuring a modular home and the whole process- it was awesome! I can't remember who the builder was, but these guys were on it, man. Kudos. Anyway, that would be a good one to link in here if I can find it! Later.

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